The purpose of The Centrist Heathen is to bring the scholarly approach to reconstructing Heathenry out of the insular, walled-off spaces it currently occupies to be shared with Heathendom at large. That those ideas, methods, and praxis are worth being injected into the greater Heathen discourse which at this time, is mostly being shaped by practices and beliefs transplanted from other belief systems such as Wicca and Eclectic New Age Paganism, while lacking the appropriate Heathen worldview necessary to truly understand how to interact with and honor the spirits, ancestors, and gods in a proper way that respects them.
Self-Cultivation & Growth
Developing the Middelweg Project will be an exercise in resharpening my own Heathen ideas, worldview, and practices as I challenge myself to not only present those ideas effectively in the public sphere, but also defend them as I step into the firing range that is the center. Beyond that, the discussions and shared perspectives generated from the content will perhaps result in new ways of looking at these concepts and their implementation. My readers may very well shape my practice as well!
The Endgame
Lastly, an area where I diverge with the scholar-priests that I learned Heathenry from: Nearly all of the practitioners of our faith were laypeople, and not everyone should have to cobble together their own doctorate in Heathenry to be able to practice. With that in mind, at the end of my main planned blog series, I will funnel the blog content and gems plucked from the public discourse to fill out a “The Layperson’s Guide to Reconstructed Heathenry” here on The Centrist Heathen to boost accessibility for new Heathens and those who are looking to improve their practice without doing so much homework.
Thank you for joining me on this journey, lets hit the books!